Non-standard Tipping Situations
Okay, we all know to tip the pizza guy and the waiter at a restaurant. That's not what this is about. What I want to know about here is what you tip in all the other situations. For example, what do you tip when you get a haircut? I typically go to a chain discount place with $12 or so haircuts. I used to tip $1 until I saw another guy tip $2, so I upped my tip to $2. Another confusing situation is Sonic. Do you tip the person who brings you your food? I feel weird being expected to tip at a fast food place. Whenever I go to a Sonic that has a drive-thru I use it just to avoid that situation. But when I do get stuck at the drive in, I usually tip a buck, and always if they're on skates. Same goes for Subway and Quiznos. Sometimes they have tip jars, sometimes not, but I've never seen anybody use it. Are there rules for these kinds of things?