Question for the almighty Gilda:
I stopped collecting comics when I was in high school, but I still have my collection. I have a lot of what I would call "cool" comics like almost the complete Age of Apocalypse collection, I think I still have Shadowhawk #1, Wildcats #1, I have this thick one I think it's called X-Men Alpha or something like that (it was a one-shot). I even have those Resident Evil comics, all issues signed by the artists and writers. Would it be worth my time trying to sell these? And other than eBay, is there a good online source that can give me a general idea of how much my books cost? I'm not expecting to make millions, but they do hold some sort of sentimental value as I was really big on collecting, and the only real reason I don't pick back up on collecting is because I now collect basketball cards, which consumes a ton of my money and time.
Oh yeah, I still have that Uncanny X-Men w/ the first appearance of Onslaught. Is that in demand anymore?