Grendel, Hunter Rose, my first time sculpting any sort of clothing, all the folds and creases and extra bagginess are Apoxie Sculpt from head to toe, Grendel's fork is from the original Big Blast figure, I just weathered the blade to add some detail, the base is from the Marvel Select black Spidey. And of course the figure base is a ML Bullseye, THEE best base figure ever! You can't see it that good but he has a light dry brushing of blue over the black, the boots and gloves are a base coat of Citadel Space Wolves Grey, which is a really nice blueish white, and a drybrush of white. The head of course was made for me by Venom, the custom wouldn't be as good as it is without the head, so thanks again...
Hunter Rose
Twin Blade is my custom Elder Pred, named so for the arm swords he uses, torso and dreads is an AVP Elder Pred, head, legs, and arms is Celtic Predator. I mixed a lil' black with silver to paint the armor pieces, the Dreds were attatched with Apoxie Sculpt and painted with a base of black and dry brushed with that Space Wolves Grey, and I added a Smart Disc and holster to his left thigh armor piece. I got a few left over pred pieces so expect another one soon...
Twin Blade
Chapel, updated and finished, I added the combat vest from a Zombie Al Simmons, and sculpted the skull pendant on the chain with some Apoxie Sculpt...
The quality of the pics ain't the best cuz I used my camera phone, but once I borrow my friend's digital camera, I'll take some better stylized pics ...
I added a couple more things to Twin Blade, small modifications, but makes him look more like an "Elder" added a helmet from a Scorpion Assassin figure to his shoulder, and added his sword to his back, interesting enough, if you look at the disc for the Concrete Jungle game, the Pred on it has the same exact sword slung around his waist. I think it completes the look, pretty much he's wearing artifacts from one of his favorite kills from many centuries ago, may add more skulls and trophy items on it, but I think it looks good as is...