Originally Posted by pan6467
The one thing parties really keep people from trying to realize are that, we, the people are not as a whole that far apart politically. I believe as a whole this nation is socially liberal and fiscally conservative in most areas. We are a Centrist nation, that's why presidential elections are so close, why the Congress is so close. Why politicians are "flip-floppy", they have to by their virtual nature be able to represent those that put them there if they want to get reelected.
You've made an excellent point Pan. I have met many people who use the shorthand of "Republican" or "Democrat" to describe their political views, when they are actually the Centrists that you have described.
In another thread, I grouse about pork barrel spending in a small town for an unnecessary tunnel. This same town is in desparate need for addiction treatment centers that I believe would be a better longterm investment for the community. I believe you would call me a Centrist?