Quickness training; need begginers'/n00b advice
The following paragraph may seem off-topic, but please don't worry, I'm getting to a point:
I'm 6' tall and 250 lbs. I have a gut and I must admit I have a bit of a case of man-boobs. But the thing is, people tell me all the time that I don't look fat at all. 250 lbs. is a LOT of force pushing downward for a guy that's only 6' tall. Reason I assume this is because I hear about Centers in the NBA that weigh about 234-255 lbs., and they're usually 6'11"-7'4". But as I said, my friends, ex girlfriends, and even a nutritionalist I met up with the other day all express great surprise when they find out that I'm 250 lbs. My conclusion is I have a lot of muscle that I don't even know about, and even though I am fat, a lot of my weight is probably due to the amount of muscle in my body.
The thing is, I can't fight for shit (which was recently demonstrated), and when I play basketball against quality players, I don't fare too well when in the post or when trying to cross them over. So I figured my main problem isn't my strength (which I know I still have to work on), but my quickness. I'm just not quick at all. I can run real fast, but when it comes to quick, jolting movements, I fail miserably. I want to fix this. I want to enhance my quickness, not just my speed and strength.
Where do I start?