computing magazines, the good the bad and the add-riddled
basicaly i enjoy reading comuting magazines, bu i have some gripes it seems like most of them fall in to sevral cattagories:
1. you dont know shit about computers so buy this mag so you can read all about the wonders of AOL 8.0
2. you have just purched a 100 page advertisment, ok i know thats how magasines make their money but some of them are just garbage mostly all add the reveiws are comlatly bias cuz the advetiseres are the ones getting reveiwed and the editors want to keep getting thire paychecks
3. an acculay good mag good reveiws, interesting content, fowardthinking. lots of howtos and help tip tricks and what not, also they cover things other than WINTEL machines giveng note to *nix sytems and even macs even diving in to PDA's MP3' playes all sorts of stuff all in all a good read
ok now to the point of this post i want to find some mags that fall into #3 as of now i read CPU (computer power user) very good but alot of it seems to be over my head. so if you know of any good mags please let me know a link would be nice
Last edited by juanvaldes; 05-20-2003 at 11:08 PM..