Here is Charlatan checking out his phone:

Shani wondering if her phone can do nifty things too

...while Yakk, without a phone decides beer is the next best course
here is a picture of Paddy and Kramus.. hmm I wonder why Kramus is smiling so much... oh wait.. I see an open bottle
while this goes on there is a get together outside
later in the night Tec tries to teach people about a game called Bullshit
..but it would seem snowy would rather do something else
while this is going on Kramus looks over, still clutching his bottle, while striking a pose
ack! I have been caught! Whose soul was caught first?
this is about as good as I can do to chop up the photos to be suited for internet consumption with good ol' MS Paint... apparently a lot of my photos are blurry, as if I was drunk while taking them
a great time was had by all... although I am surprised no pictures of me sleeping in odd positions yet