Originally Posted by stevo
Back to the topic at hand...The reason we fight the terrorists, and fighting them is defending my (and your) freedom is because this is what they want.
The whole article http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn...200709_pf.html
Extremists want an islamic world, which means you can say goodbye to all your freedoms and hello to midevil barbarisim, burkas, stonings, and amputations. You can fight it or you can give them what they want one step at a time.
Do you really believe that a fringe movement, such as is the Islamic, religious fundamentalist terrorist movement, is really powerful enough to defeat
all of western civilization as we know it? Do you really believe that if we do not go and kill
every terrorist, people in nebraska will soon be wearing burkas and subjected to stonings?
It has been almost 4 years since September 11th. Have you seen any noticeable change in your life?
You say, steveo, that you fear these muslim fundamentalists are a threat to our freedoms and civil liberties. Well, I would respond by saying that I think you are correct. They are a threat to our freedoms and civil liberties in such a manner that our government now has another "boogie man" that can be used as a fear tactic to erode our freedoms and civil liberties and pummel the American public into submission.
The threat of the loss of freedoms in this so-called "
war on terror", steveo, does not come from without...but rather from within.