Spoiler: I think Dumby killed someone, I think he killed his "tail", but of course I could be wrong, or there could be a "white" version of the horcrux...or he could be really dead. My point was kinda...well people are shocked but seem to not be thinking past the fact that "snape killed him". I think snapes look of hatred was because of what he had to do, and I think it was a pre arranged plan...thats what Hagrid heard them arguing about. Until I am proved wrong in book 7 there is no way I will believe Snape is "evil" self serving yes, evil no. Why would the last thing he does before he runs off with Malfoy be a final lesson to Harry about keeping his mind shut if he were really on Voldemorts side?
...there are lots of theories around and now we have to wait another 2 years to find out
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!