Originally Posted by Vincentt
"wait it out?!?!" are you crazy?
One person already got shot, how many more have to get hit before you can take him out?
Bullets can travel long distances, there is no way to keep everyone safe from a mad man firing randomly.
Note: the police didn't barge into a room and shoot him either. He must have been outside firing at police! A totally aggressive move.
Maybe the police should have just all gone home, maybe he would have gotten bored with trying to kill people and put his gun down...
yup and nooo... I'm not crazy. what was the difference between 6:20 pm and let's say 6:30 pm, when the whole thing was going on since 3:50??? they already had waited, so what in the final exchange caused the police to decide, "hey, this is the final exchange, let's shoot him now"
and yes, he was firing at the police, and yes bullets travel a long distance. But again, (and I assure you I am not crazy, because the cops had already WAITED IT OUT FOR 1.5 HOURS) something prompted the police to abandon their strategy at 6:20.