Originally Posted by Ragbags
I expected half a dozen threads here by now 'revealing' how it's obvious that:
- there weren't any bombs at all. The G8 countries just got the media companies (which are all under control of the Trilateral Commission) to get together and fake the whole thing, boosting fear and governments' power;
- the bombs were planted by the US so when the media companies (which are all under the control of the Scientologists) reported it then they'd have an excuse to invade North Korea to take Kim Jong Il's pirate DVD collection;
- the trains were all built as bombs originally in case the French ever invaded. That's why they're underground: to keep the public safe. The problem is that the media companies (which are all under the control of the Grays who incidentally BUILT area 51 and are just renting it out to the US government as a place to stash their pirate DVDs) told people they were part of a public transport system. Same for the buses. After all, they're painted RED and we all know red means danger;
- London doesn't actually exist. It's just a lie made up my the media companies (which are all under the control of a small group of individuals, usually older white men with names like "Rupert Murdoch"), like the rest of "history". I'll bet you can't think of a time before last week when you'd even heard of "London", "the UK", or "England" and if you can it's just memories implanted in you by the waving Windows flag in the corner of Internet Explorer (which is why I use a hacked verison of Notepad as my browser).
... and so on. More seriously, I'd have thought (like the WTC and Pentagon attacks) that it'd be fertile material for conspiracies. Or is it just too soon?
Its just too soon, give them a month or so.