I'm still trying to sort out this story as its very confusing to me. Hopefully this isn't old news, but its funny that McClellan said the Plame leaker (possibly Rove?) should be fired. In the articles that Host posted it seems Mclellan has taken a very defensive approach to any questions about this. Is it possible that he didn't know who the Plame leaker was back in 2003, but now is trying to hide it since the person who leaked it could be Rove?
FLASHBACK: McClellan Said Plame Leaker Should Be Fired
CNN | September 29 2003
McClellan said that if anyone at the White House leaked Plame's identity, he should be fired, and pursued to the "fullest extent."
"No one was authorized to do this. That is simply not the way this White House operates and if someone leaked classified information it is a very serious matter," he said.
Will McClellan re-iterate his position now that his own boss, Karl Rove, has been fingered as the source?