Originally Posted by jimbob
...(tilted conspiracy stuff)...
Keep your mind open and keep reading Host.
I suggest you do the same. There's plenty of proof out there that the pentagon was indeed hit by a plane, including *parts of said plane*
Some websites:
<a href="http://www.oilempire.us/pentagon.html">Page with lots of information about 9-11</a>
<a href="http://home.planet.nl/~reijd050/pentahole_dimensions_est.htm">Why it is most likely that an American Airlines 757-223 hit it the Pentagon</a>
FYI, just a small recap
1) The damaged area was narrower and less high than the plane because the heaviest part of a plane is only a small part of the total height and width. In fact, if you take the size of the main body (without wings), and compare that size with the hole, they match.
2) There was plane wreckage, lots of it. Just because it's covered in debris, and cannot be recognized by an untrained bystander doesn't mean it isn't there. There's even pictures of wreckage, including at least one engine. Most of the plane pretty much disintegrated during of the impact, hence no "clearly visible" tail section and wings.
So, keep your mind open and keep reading jimbob.