Originally Posted by feelgood
....BNL specified that it was a male, acted during the time of silent films. Sticky only listed all the actor/actress that had a star on that particular street. I did my research on each possible answer he had 2 names were female, some acted in movies back in 60, 70 where silent films were a thing of the past.
The extra information came later... look at BNL's first post:
Originally Posted by barenakedladies
On the hollywood walk of fame... who's star sits exactly at 1623 vine street.
and then look at my answer... the post after that he adds more information.
As we now all know, there are several stars at the listed address. So to use your "1+1" analogy... "list all the the numbers between 5 and 15." I don't know what sort of school you went to in Canada, but the ones I went to didn't ask such silly questions.
I think everyone is in agreement that the question was flawed from the begining, maybe we should just stop beating a dead horse.
Maybe you should ask the next question.