Originally Posted by rmarshall
In Ontario, I tend to buy Lakeport Honey or Laker red at a $1/beer if I'm going to be drinking alot. Otherwise Sleeman Honey. It tastes slightly better and the bottles are pretty.
I've had a lot of Lakeport Honey but now I'm stuck on Lakeport Pilsner. A very good cheap beer.
A lady in the beer store the other day bought a case of Keith's and was $
40 bucks and change and was surprised my case was $26.40. She asked how it tasted. I told her as a former Keith's drinker, there wasn't much difference except for the $15 bucks in cost. She returned the Keith's and said the 15 bucks saved is going towards 2 rib steaks for her and her husband. I think Lakeport owes me a case.