Originally Posted by moosenose
We think it might be happening, but we're not really sure. It's like Phrenology....some people swear by it, but others think it's pseudoscientific crap.
The US is objecting to these words: "Climate change is a serious and long-term challenge that has the potential to affect every part of the globe. There is now strong evidence that significant global warming is occurring and that human activity is contributing to this warming."
All the G8 countries accept the next sentence: "Global energy demands are expected to grow by 60% over the next 25 years. This has the potential to cause a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions associated with climate change." However, the US disputes the next sentence: "But we know that we need to slow, stop and then reverse the growth in greenhouse gases to reduce our exposure to potentially serious economic, environmental and security risks."
One possible compromise Downing Street has considered is to drop the climate change clauses in return for agreement to discuss action on greenhouse gas emissions. This would let the US refuse to acknowledge climate science while encouraging Mr Bush to discuss measures to combat its causes. Up to now, the US has refused to do even this.
Climate change
IS occuring. Just because Rush Limbaugh and some conservatives with their hands in the oil-wealth pie can dig up a few scientists that contest this doesn't change the fact that global temperatures are rising at an abnormal rate. I went to university for Meteorology, I know that we are in a serious situation...besides, wouldn't it be better to err on the side of caution and the rest of the world rather than isolating ourselves further??
Sure it is. You can always live in a cave and eat twigs and berries. Of course, if you want to live in an urban area with Starbucks on every corner, you're going to consume fossil fuels. You seem to want everything....the petrochemical driven lifestyle, without the petrochemicals. It doesn't work that way. That's like wanting to be vegan for social reasons, but refusing to give up steak.
Ridiculous analogy. There are
no viable options for someone to live in this society without petrochemicals. Our entire infrastructure is based upon it, from the fertiliser used to produce our foods to the fuel you put in your car to drive to that starbucks. I personally would prefer
not to have a Starbucks on every corner, but that is for a different thread. There is no (logical) way of living completely without petrochemicals at this time...in my opinion we will all be forced to find a viable alternative when oil reaches 80 and the 100 dollars in the near future, but wouldnt it be nice if the US government were actually
proactive for once??
The US government
knows that a oil crisis is imminent...it is even running simulations of the disaster....
Just because the US Government (and the conservatives) close their collective eyes and pretend that things are not happening does not mean that they will go away...they only get worse.