Originally Posted by Hardknock
I wish to not have my government intrude in every aspect of my life.
I wish to not have my government tell me I can't have sex with my wife doggystyle becasue it's a sin.
You can have sex with your wife however you want to, provided that you do so in the privacy of your bedroom. You cannot have sex with your wife in any way in public, because we don't want to see it.
I wish to not have my government try and attempt to track my every move around my own country in the name of "national security" when the very same government that claims it wants so much to protect it's borders fails to do so by only focusing on airports with incompetent employees and ignoring other modes of transportation such as the train stations, bus stations, ports, and road systems.
Don't worry, they can't. Now private companies, that's another matter.
I wish to not have my government play favortism with religion becasue I'm not christian.
I'm not christian, and the government has never never favored a christian over me because they were christian and I am not.
I wish to not have my government igonre the fact that global warming is happening and will eventually kill us all.
The Sun is also expanding, and eventually will incinerate Earth. The planet isn't going to be here forever. But it's probably not going to happen before next Tuesday, so relax.
I wish to not have my government be so closed minded about science and start exploring new ways to cure disease.
That is not it's job. Personally, I'm kind of glad that the Government has said that drug companies cannot ambush me and rip out my internal organs in the name of "progress". After all, I'm still using them.
I wish to not have my governement be dependant on black gold until the end of time.
Feel free then to devote your life to making the perfect energy-producing mousetrap, and then sell it to the government. If you PERSONALLY don't want to be dependant on fossil fuels, you are free to not consume any of them. It's not like we're forcing you...