I'll assert a freedom that I feel is slowley diminishing.
The right to privacy.
I cannot recall anywhere in the founding documents of this country, nor any subsequent law where is states that I must provided any of the following to any governmental body without a judges order stating otherwise:
Iris map
Bloodvessel map
And yet all have been suggested at some point as required not just on Visa's and Passports, but on the common drivers liscence in each state.
None are needed (or usefull) to identify one-self to a police officer when pulled over, so they therefor have no feild appilication as it where.
Or howabout the freedom to own my property without fear of it's confiscation? Activist city councils seem to be opposed to that freedom in Conn.
Or howabout the freedom to do to my body what I wish without government interference. Some states have even outlawed certain types of peircings for moral reasons.
I can keep going...
Seen on an employer evaluation:
"The wheel is turning but the hamsters dead"
Is arch13 really a porn diety ? find out after the film at 11.