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Old 06-29-2005, 08:36 PM   #120 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by moosenose
You're right, it didn't. It ended around 1975, IIRC. So you're saying that the Communists in the US packed up and went home after Vietnam?
So then what was your original point in using a McCarthyian viewpoint of the vietnam war to dispute a point about the 1980's?

Oh. So you are saying that we should support a war on terrorists that actually attacked us on 9/11, and not on any other terrorists?
Uh, yeah, pretty much. It's our job to defend ourselves, not to arrest anyone doing any wrong anywhere in the world. If they want to blow shit up in CountryX, then it's CountryX's job to take care of them. It's our job to take care of them when they hurt stuff in OUR country.

I thought all 19 of them died? What kind of a war on terror are we going to have when the terrorists we need to kill have all died while attacking us before the war is declared?

Your grasp on current events is not very good then. All of them did not die. Moussaui is still alive and in jail. Many of the planners and instigators, including bin Laden, are still alive and running free. Only the operatives died on the planes. Those guys are the foot soldiers. Theyr'e expendable, and there's lots more where they came from. If you want to stop this group you have to cut its head off, and that means getting bin Laden. How can you possibly justify this "war on terror" when the president sees no need to capture the terrorist that started all this?

So you can say who is a "true Democrat" and who isn't? Is Sen. Byrd a "True Democrat"? How many more times does he need to use the "N" word for him to no longer be a "true" democrat? How about Zell Miller and Joe Liebermann? Are they ""True Democrats"? How about Cynthia McKinney and her crowd?
You come up with 4 people and use that as a basis to reject a party of millions? Gee, let's see. McCarthy, Nixon, Ollie North, and Limbaugh. There's 4 nutjob republicans for ya. I guess we can reject that party too. What exactly is your point here?

It is far better for the American people to send our military to Iraq to kill foreign-born terrorists there, at the cost of under 2,000 American dead in the past few years, than it is for our military to sit back and wait for the NEXT September 11 to take place in the US, with the thousands of attendant American casualties in a day.
that's delusional, plain and simple. You're deluding yourself into thinking that we can protect ourselves by running around the world killing people while leaving our boarders wide open, our ports unprotected, and our airport security still not catching knives going through the scanners. And added to that we've got the entire world angry with us. How exactly is what we are doing protecting the American people?

It's not like they have an endless supply of suicide bombers, is it?
Um, yeah, actually, they pretty much do. That's why so many suicide bombers are still blowing things up nearly every day.

19 suicide bombers killed close to 3,000 Americans on 9/11.
Wrong again. They were not suicide bombers. They were kamikaze terrorists. They didn't blow themselves up, and they didn't have bombs.

We've killed or caused to be expended many times that number of suicide bombers in Iraq, at a fraction of the American body count.
If you have a nest of 2,000 cobras, and you kill 80 of them, the remaining 1,920 will still bite and kill you.

They don't have to act like us. But if they harbor our enemies, they become our enemies, and they have to understand that being our enemy carries a price.
OK. You advocating invading pakistan and afghanistan again? Because that's where bin Laden is. And since Iraq wasn't harboring any of the 19 terrorists, or their bosses, why are you still such a supporter of the invasion?

If they chant "Death to America!", they should be able to expect death FROM America.
You are frightening. You want to kill people for voicing an opinion? Freedom of speech is one of the pillars of our democracy, and you want to kill people for exercising it? I don't give a crap if they chant death to america as long as they don't act on it. You, apparently, want to go on a killing spree any time anyone looks at you wrong. That kind of militaristic rambo crap is NOT the way to safeguard our country.

And their whining about it is just pathetic and exposes their impotence to the world.
People protest unjustly being killed by Americans, and you call it whining? I don't think that even merits a response.

Last edited by shakran; 06-29-2005 at 08:38 PM..
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