Originally Posted by TM875
Anyway, $50-150K coverage? With today's medical costs? One minor accident, with you and a passenger being required to stay in the hospital overnight and have CAT scans will run you $100K, easy. A bad accident can easily run you close to $500K. Having low coverage is just asking for trouble down the road.
Second is the added un-insured driver insurance (that most people don't have). It's only a few extra bucks a month, and covers you if you are in an accident with a driver with no insurance. Trust me, it makes a big difference. I grew up with a mother that did personal injury law...you wouldn't believe how often these types of accidents occur.
I would believe. My brother was hit on a bicycle when he was 19 by an uninsured motorist. He is ok now, but lost most of his left kneecap after it was shattered in 13 pieces by the accident. And, yes, I agree that uninsured motorist coverage is good to have and worth a few extra a month. We just moved to Kentucky and uninsured is kind of a way of life for some of the people living here.
With my other point, I was just suggesting that lower coverage might be a better solution for some people faced with the choice of having no coverage at all because they can't afford it and having overly heavy coverage. As far as medical costs are concerned, that is what my medical insurance is for. The car insurance coverage that I have is to cover the medical costs of others that might be injured in an accident. If we are talking about a hypothetical 20 year old male in college, having 250K/500K coverage is overkill in my opinion. The kids total net worth is maybe $20K, usually less. The insurance is there to really protect you from being sued and losing your shirt. If you don't have a shirt to protect, why beef up your coverage just so you can pay higher premiums.
I won't get into how much of a scam car insurance is in the first place.
Sorry for getting the tread a little off-topic.