I was going to post on this when TFP died.
the game is really, really good and worth $30 - - - if you like old school rpgs. if you don't like old rpgs and 8-16 bit graphics, then stay away.
I have been thrilled with it, and instead of dumbing down the game they added an option..... play FF the original (hard way) or the 'easier' way. on easier mode it is supposedly just easier to level and you can level up to 99 instead of fifty and items and magic are MUCH cheaper.
i'm at the last dungeon of FF normal mode and have max gold...... it got HARD at one point, but hasn't been too tough since.
FF2 i've heard s u c k s, but i can't say so myself. the system looks kida....... terrible...... but i have to try it first. looks kinda Saga Frontier'ish.