Originally Posted by Dbass
The US contributes .17 percent, and at this rate will contribute only 1/4th the amount of the European nations. Regardless of how you feel our budget is being used, isn't that a little sad? We are, after all, the strongest nation in the world (literally!) and we will contribute only 1/8th of the total aid in the world?
How does paying less foreign aid to countreis that owe us money than a couple dozen countries in Europe qualify as sad? Why does our government have a duty to give away more of our money without our consent to countries who have already recieved billions of our dollars and whose debt we have recently agreed to forgive? We have a massive budget defecit, yet many of the people who so vocally criticize the president for incurring this debt insist on giving away our money rather than paying off that defecit. Where is the logic in all of this?