Point taken, but I don't want to say anything rash, this is new territory, the politics board!
The problem with the Democrats, is (you're right) they really do fall into the Republican trap. "Wedge" issues force them to take sides and put them on the defensive. These issues, like gay marriage and abortions, also divide the country (which, some of you may know, is a big problem lately). The best platform a Dem could run on is how to make the home side better, and a big part of that is controlling how many people can have assault rifles and whether or not terrorists or criminals can get a hold of them. This is not mistrust, it's caution and common sense.
Another problem in America is horrible apathy. We need somebody who can engage young people. We need more people pissed off! (Last night, I saw Steal This Movie, the story of Abbie Hoffman, author of Steal This Book).
Also, we need fewer cuts in the arts, like the bullshit PBS cut - we don't need 100,000 dollars so bad that we should fuck little kids' futures up for it. This country just seems to be getting dumber. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Sorry, just the ventings of a pissed off college musician - go figure!