i think biden is probably the best choice out of the possible democrats. hopefully the bankruptcy thing won't affect me, but you do bring up an interesting point. (also, i couldn't care less about gun control.) he is more appealing than the other candidates, i think. even though sean hannity talks about the impending hillary nomination constantly, i doubt she will be very successful in rural areas. and iowa better not push edwards forward again. who else is considering a go at it, besides kerry? (by the way, did anyone catch the surprising comparison b/w bush's and kerry's yale grades?)
whoever gets the DP nod will have trouble beating mccain, unless his party is too dumb to nominate him. he seems to be the most popular candidate overall, although he is fairly old. he has a good environmental record, though. and the press loves him.
samcol, frist is too liberal? who do you wish was running?