I'm more passive-aggressive. I have never used my horn, and only flipped someone off once. Tailgaters bother me, but I've learned teh best way to deal with them if traffic is relatively light. I'll take my foot off the pedal and let myself slow to around 30. Once they get the point, they pass and give me dirty looks. I smile and wave. It's amazing how enraged people get over that.
People going too slow aren't a problem, either theres a passing lane or I'm not going so far that the extra 10 mph will make a big difference.
What enrages me is people who brake randomly or don't use turn signals (leaving the signal on for miles is just funny.) My mother brakes at anything. If a car a few hundred yards in front of her brakes, she jams on the brakes. If it looks like someone in front of her might be thinking of slowing down, she jams on the brakes. Being stuck behind people like that is torture, especially considering that if I hit them (unlikely, I give a lot of following distance) it's legally my fault, no matter what. People who don't signal are just dangerous, no other way to describe it. The other thing that really gets to me is when people assume that following distance is a place to cut in front of me. Two seconds is a good reaction time to distance ratio. Unfortunately, people seem to think that anything that doesn't cause dents is appropriate following distance. They cut in, I drop a few mph to give myself distance, and tailgating occurs.
I almost forgot, it isn't necessary to brake a half-mile ahead of time for exit ramps. I will usually be going 70 until the ramp starts to curve, half of the people out there are going 30 by the time they start signaling.
If I get mad, I just crank up the music and let myself calm down.