Thank you for the source. Excellent find! It definitely balances the details in my reference. I should have provided more than a single source for the event.
Your links cannot be followed, however, because of the way the site is arranged, but anyone actually interested in learning more about the incident should go to the main site after following Gilda's links then follow the links in this order:
The Library
Myths & Facts On line
The 1967 Six-Day War
and then proceed to the bottom question referencing the Liberty.
The wonderful thing about life is the three truths to every shared moment. One person's version, another person's version and what really happened. History provides us with enough information to understand that nearly every day is cause for a moment of silence in recognition of some tragedy or event worth remembering to someone.
I feel it is our individual responsibility to live our lives in a way that not only honors these moments, but also honors these same moments from the perspective of the other parties involved. It is our responsibility to not just push a tragedy back and forth between ourselves in acts of retribution.
A moment of silence observed.