I gotta say, I don't hate American soldiers. I have a friend who did a tour in Iraq. My cousin is in the Army, although he hasn't yet toured in Afghanistan or Iraq (he'll surely do one or the other soon). They aren't, any more than any other group of people, inherently bad.
I've been staunchly anti-war since the beginning. I believe that the torture that does happen, in Guantanamo or Iraq or Afghanistan or that we outsource to other nations, is abominable and everyone who engages in it should be prosecuted under the law. I believe that many in the Bush administration, from the President to AG Gonzalez, should be prosecuted for encouraging and/or approving torture.
None of this means that I believe that all soldiers are "scum," or even most of them. Remember, it was soldiers who took photos of torture in Abu Ghraib and leaked them. I think the vast majority of the soldiers are as good or as bad as the rest of the American population, and that they are under extraordinary pressure because of the terrible judgement and planning of their superiors. I don't mean to excuse those who commit atrocities, but I truly believe that those are a terrible few.
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