I think my main question would be similar to Maleficent's. Growing up I was never a big fan of prissy, girly things (I had Hot Wheels instead of Barbies) and as an adult I'm still kind of the same - I don't own a blow drier, can't be bothered with a lot of girly-type stuff, am allergic to ruffles, etc. But I've never wanted to be a boy, not for a minute. It seems there's enough flexibility within gender roles in our society that if you're willing to put up with a little disapproval, you can do what you want. Maybe it's because my parents didn't impose very rigid gender expectations on me, but I never felt I had to be male to do something (except penis-related activities of course). So I'm wondering, what could be so bad about one's sex that you'd be willing to go through all that to change it?