Ustwo - No, no, no, stop! Atkins is very hard on your body. Read
here for more info.
The Coles' notes is that the Atkins diet doesn't work as advertised. You lose weight due to improper nutrition and at best will probably end up gaining back. It can also lead to kidney stones, gall bladder disease, raise your cholestoral and possibly cause electrolyte imbalances (the article mentions the case of a 16 year old who died due to electrolyte imbalances that were probably due to using the Atkins diet). This is a classic example of a very unhealthy way of losing weight.
Instead, you should be following a regimen of caloric restriction and maintaining proper nutrition through use of a supplement. Eat a balanced diet and keep an eye on how many calories you're eating per day. I'm not sure if you're guy or gal, but I'll post target numbers for either. Males tend to burn more calories because we naturally have more muscle bulk and less fatty tissues, so our numbers are higher, the range generally bein between 1800 and 2200 caloires per day, whereas the fairer sex should usually be targeting around 1400-1800 per day. Keep in mind too that these are very loose guidelines and each individual has different needs when it comes to calorie intake.
Take my advice or don't, as you see fit. Atkins is a very popular diet and I know some people swear by it; just remember that there's a reason that vegetables, whole grains and legumes have been touted as healthy foods for decades now. I'd be wary of any diet restricting these sorts of foods.