It's easy to get up in arms about a political message that runs counter to one's own beliefs, but I think irateplatypus is very correct about where the originators of the billboard were probably coming from.
Though many here have criticized the billboard as useless, it is intended to provoke thought. Note the language used: God refers to aborted children as "his" babies. This drives home two points. First, of course, it reminds people that there is a religious argument to be made against abortion. But more importantly and specifically, it reminds them that what is often frequently referred to as part of "a woman's body" is actually a soul that belongs to God, not to the child's parents. Thus the use of "my" strikes at the heart of the pro-abortion argument rooted in "choice" by placing unborn children beyond the jurisdiction of human beings.
Please note before responding to me that I don't particularly share the group's beliefs as stated in its message. The point is that the creators of the billboard are approaching the subject from within a specific moral-religious framework. They are not "using God to push their own agenda"; more likely they are acting out of faith to spread a message they genuinely believe is true and important, and that in their view comes from God himself. I don't see anything terribly wrong with that.