At my current job we were trained on how to spot identity theives. There definately are certain tricks to catching them. But the bad thing is that company policy prohibits me from sharing how we catch them so sorry for not being any help. What I would recommend is that you keep every bill that you have for a finacial record, any bill that is more than 5-7 years old should be thrown out.
When something with your personal information on it is being thrown out, make sure that it is disposed of carefully, and either shreded or the information is "erased" somehow. My biggest tip as said above is be aware of when you should be recieving bills, and make sure you check every little thing on your bill and always ask questions.
The company I work at, we have a lot of personal information that can be used against people but we take precautions. We are more than welcome to answers any question involving the personal information on a account and what it is being used for.