Originally Posted by Elphaba
"There's some cause for optimism; however, things could turn badly very quickly."
Honestly, Elphaba, when I read the entire story, the only thing that stuck in my mind was the above passage, which is clear to just about anyone not living under a rock, I would venture to guess. I am more interested in trying to found out as much as possible about what actually is going on in Iraq than I am about some politician's flowery, self-aggrandizing prose.
"A Western diplomat in Baghdad said victory would have to be won in a drawn-out struggle that will have peaks and valleys. "We should not expect some big-bang breakthrough so that one day the insurgency ends,"
Well Thank You Mr. Western-Diplomat-in-Baghdad for that colorful and descrpitive analysis! Your commentary on the matter is most informative!! Hopefully it was actually even you who said it, and not some creative embellishment on the Editor's part!! You remember Dan Rather, riiight?!? Your check is in the mail, btw!!