Originally Posted by irateplatypus
the trouble with arguments of perspective is that most people are unable to form an informed opinion without regurgitating what the politicians or media present......
An awesome sequence of paragraphs, irate. Some great points you make...
This passage, in particular, resonated loud and clear:
what if you judged your own community by what you saw on the local news? what if your only source of information about your hometown came from the mayor? the picture would be blood-n-guts/crime/corruption from the first source and rosy from the second.
Th power of the press, indeed. I wonder at what point one can claim victory in this war-of-perception? At the point of defeat, at the point of victory, or somewhere in between?
My purpose here was simply to point the spotlight - for the moment anyway - on that bit of information maybe not normally read (speaking for myself here) and regurgitated time and again. Just another slice from the war-of-perception pie, as it were.