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Old 06-04-2005, 10:58 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Location: Fort Worth, TX
This is not to flame but from my perspective only.... (so it may or may not be fact as my viewpoint is very biased and slanted)...... The GOP for years goes on the personal and attacks far far worse than Dems can. Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Coulter and so on slam every day, while the Dems. even with facts end up making themselves look bad when they try anything.
Having independant conservatives speak so untactfully on their viewpoint is much different than the head of the Democratic Party speaking that way. I'm not defending Coulter or Limbaugh, I hate them as much as you do. But that's like saying the President of the US can say all French people are gay, justifying it because some farmer in Canada said it first.

I dont know what Dean is doing. Either it's genious getting the entire Democratic factions together in a united front, or he's so pissed about the last two elections that he's lost his sense of reality. I doubt it's the first, because the Dems were pretty united against Bush last time and they still lost. Instead of reaching accross to the middle to pull the swing voters he is putting his back against the wall and leaving a void there. Even with all the Republicans screwing up politically this is a BAD decision because there's no real second option when you radicalize your party.
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