I don't think the iraq war needs to be blurred into anything. Its clear to me, obviously not to everyone, that it is a part of the war on terror. People call the insurgents in iraq something akin to freedom fighters. That they are only fighing because we invaded them. Then the question is raised, "well, wouldn't you do the same thing if another country invaded NY?"
I can answer with a straight face - NO.
No, i would not drive a truck full of explosives into a crowded market.
No, I would not walk into a church during a funeral and blow myself up and everyone around me.
The terrorists don't do these things to fight the americans. They do them because they believe the people around them are just as evil as the US for cooperating. For them, an islamic state cannot be created by peaceful means, only through bombs and bullets. Their words, not mine.
It's clear to you that the Iraq War is part of the "War on Terror"? Even though it has been established that there was no credible evidence to suggest that Iraq had a connection to the terrorism that beset the country on 9/11?
The "insurgents" in Iraq are fighting for their right to self-governance in the form of an Islamic state. I think it is clearly an example of freedom fighting; after all, we preemptively invaded a sovereign nation against international law, and proceeded to kill MANY civilians in the process - several thousand. So when they kill civilians as part of their campaign, we have no right to criticize, regardless of what you think of their preferred method of execution.
For them, desperate times call for desperate measures. I will be lambasted for this, but their methods parallel similar tactics that the Americans used in the Revolution. While our revolutionaries did not "blow themselves up", they defied conventional rules of warfare and engaged in guerilla warfare, attacking the enemy unseen. We did not have the manpower, nor the experienced soldiers necessary for the war, so we employed tactics to offset our disadvantage. Likewise, the "insurgents" could not face us openly, for they would surely be defeated. Their killing of civilians is part of their guerilla campaign, whether or not you view it as morally acceptable. We instigated this, not them.
And yes, if NY was invaded we would most assuredly retaliate against the aggressor.