The front and side fans are doing intake, the top and back are doing exhaust. I'll see about reversing the lower back fan and seeing what happens. The side panel on this case doesn't have a duct, but it is lined up over the processor, and the 120mm fan I have on the XP-120 heatsink is a Panaflo moving 115CFM, and the temperatures on that are satisfactory (no higher than about 57 degrees C or so). The cable placement is likely a cause of my trouble, as they are all over the place. I'm working currently on improving that.
The new fans should be moving more air and are not thermal sensing. I determined the original case fans' speed and sound by looking up the brand number of the fan listed on Thermaltake's site as being the type of fan used in the Xaser III. As I type this, the processor is running at 54-55 and the case is at 32-34.
To make sure I understand your first suggestion, having more fans intake than exhaust is a good thing to do?