The only thing I'll say about Kyoto is that it is stupid. If I were a tree, David Suzuki wouldn't be hugging me now.
And it's hypocritical. Why? Just look into how clean credits can be bought and sold for those who exceed the allowable quota.
Canada a moral superpower? I don't think so. No more or less than any other country. I think Canadians like to feel superior to other countries, namely the U.S. It is so typically Canadian how we critcize the U.S about their politics yet if not turning a blind eye to numerous scandals here, we are living on the fringes of ridiculous rhetoric and hyperbole, something we so disdainly chastise the U.S for. Kinda like not see the forest for the trees(huggers)
I think this stems from our collective lack of an identity. We don't know who we are. We like to pretend we do. We pay allegiance to a Queen from another country, us subjects do, but more importantly we are so multiculturalized to the point where each ethnicity is commended for retaining their cultural values. I'm not saying that is wrong, but how does a country form an identity without a template for all to follow, other than the obligatory, "I'm a proud (insert ethnic culture here) Canadian?"
Oddly enough, the one province that is trying to protect it's culture and values (Canadian values?) is Quebec, and they want to seperate in order to retain that distinction.
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.