Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
If that's truly what you believe then you obviously don't know a lot about women. Sorry, but that's the truth.
You see there's really two ways of looking at this. There is the way things truly are and then there is the way that others would have me perceive them.
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Most women are incapable of separating emotion and sex.
Falsity, false false FALSE. Women like any other mammal go through a monthly phase called estrous. Do you really think it's an accident that the majority of women (who have one-nighters) have "one-night stands once a month". Hmmm -they ovulate once a month -hmmm.
There are other studies: (
http://www.americanscientist.org/tem.../assetid/17215) showing that women are more attracted to masculine faces while they are at or near ovulation.
So this obsession with masculinity is a passing fancy. The overjustification effect kicks in and the same reward/drive just isn't there (until next month). So the women "regret" the incident but they don't learn from it.
How come these women don't plan ahead and have steady boyfriends? There are certainly plenty of "nice" guys around in between ovulations. So why don't they hook up with one of those nice guys instead of banging mr. creepy next month? -Because they think they are TOO GOOD for the guys around them.
It's a simple fact of life. Furthermore it's nothing to be ashamed of... -I'm too good for many of the scary chicks that appear in my life. In fact the only chance I ever have of getting some is in some regrettable one night stand. So if anything I know exactly how these chicks feel (minus the estrous).