Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Imagine watching RotJ for the first time, having not seen episodes 1-3. You get to the end and these three ghosts appear to Luke...Yoda, Obi-Wan, and....some kid? Who is this kid? Why is he important? I've never seen him before. It just doesn't make sense. The only way for it to make sense is if you've seen young Anakin in the prequel trilogy already.
You mean Hayden Christiansen AKA young Ani? That was edited into the movie for the DVD release. It used to be old Ani + hair. Lucas did that to "tie everything together". I say, "stop raping the movies by changing things!" By the time there's a Blu-Ray release, Luke and Leia won't be siblings, and Lando will be replaced by Jar-Jar.