This is absolutely redundant. I've worked for a video game store. The ESRB was formed for a reason: to determine which video games aren't acceptable for children under a certain age to play. In Colorado, at the very LEAST, you can't buy a game rated M, for mature, if you're under 17 years of age. At the store, you've got to present ID for it, just like you have to do to get into a rated R movie, or to buy a pack of smokes, or to buy a can of beer. There is already a system in place to prevent underage kids from getting ahold of shit that could damage them, but if the parents say it's ok for their kid to get that game, then they better damn well have made a moral decision with regard to the well being of their young one, because it's just like buying them tickets to an R rated flic, or giving them a pack of smokes.
As to this satement:
The sponsor, Sen. Deanna Demuzio, denied the measure would interfere with free speech rights.
"Video games are not art or media," she said. "They are simulations, not all that different from the simulations used by the U.S. military in preparation for war."
I call bullshit on video games not being art
or media. Tell me, after looking at this, that there is no video game that is an artistic masterpiece.
...not only are video games art, they're art you can interact with and manipulate.... and I think that that's the best kind. I also had to search around quite a bit to find a pic small enough to post here... if you haven't already, go to and look at what's being shown at e3 this year, for current and next gen systems. Most of that is absolutely amazing.