Originally Posted by powerclown
Moral: Don't Rile the Arabs. They are Very Excitable.
(To the West: Stop with the Quran. It's not yours, it's ours so leave it alone. You Infidels will inevitably say something blasphemous, and we'll be forced to Riot. Don't make us Riot.)
Well, it's too late, I've already (literally) crapped on my copy of the Koran. Now I just need somebody to host the video.
BTW, don't you think it's about time that we take the people shouting "Death To America" seriously, and start returning death FROM America to them? And if somebody starts screaming about launching a Jihad against the US because somebody took a dump on a book, maybe, JUST maybe, we should consider that they don't want to be our friends, and instead just kill them?
The vast majority of muslims are, I'm sure, decent human beings who would never dream of killing people over somebody defecating on a frigging book. But the lunatic fringe of muslim society who WOULD do that need to be slapped down hard. It would be better if the mainstream muslims cracked down on them, but if they will not, we may have to.