funny, I'm not anti monarchy. I quite enjoy the Queen and when we play those games such as ' who would you most like to have a conversation with, if you could choose anybody in the world' I always choose her. I woiuld love to have an hour of honest, free ranging chat with her.
Anyways, to address one of your points Charleton, I don't really complain about the cost of the GG, but I question why we foot the bill. It's kind of like buying a webcam. To draw a rather tenuous anology, if somebody wants to see you on cam, they should buy you a webcam. I mean, why should I fork over 80 bucks, just so somebody else can see me? where's the fun in that? If the British monarch is going to remain our head of state, why are we paying the bill? I think that Buckingham Palace should budget for it.
I'm sure there's a lot of holes in my argument, but that's how i feel.