I'd never heard of this drink before, but I did my search anyway. And my, did I find something big.
link to http://www.drinksmixer.com/recipes/7799/
1 L Everclear® alcohol
5.25 L (3 1.75L bottles) vodka
1 bottle peach schnapps
1 pint Bacardi® 151 rum
1 bottle 99 Apples® apple schnapps
10 L Sprite® soda
1 L Sunny Delight® orange juice
1 L triple sec
1.75 L bottle gin
1 bottle DeKuyper® Sour Apple Pucker schnapps
4 bottles Boone's Farm® Strawberry Hill wine
8 L Hawaiian punch
2 containers orange juice concentrate
fruit (as much as desired)
Use a large container ie. ice chest or similar. Allow the fruit to soak in all the alcohol for about 4 - 12 hours. Add all the juice and let sit overnight. Serve the next day.
I would reduce all of these amounts by 1/4 and take out some of the 'redundant' liquors to save money and a hangover. You could make a rum version, or a vodka version. Or go whole hog. At the very least, it would be a topic of conversation.