Originally Posted by BigBen931
I don't get the whole genital piercing idea. There is no sane reason (other than to provoke shock value, IMHO) to do that.
Interesting point of view, but wrong. As someone who doesn't have genital piercings, you have no idea what your talking about, therefore your uninformed opinion means nothing. Genital piercings increase sensation for both partners, they also are somewhat of a rite of passage, or a meaningfull change in someones life marking a decision. Just because you don't understand or care to look into why people would get them doesn't mean there isn't a reason for them.
Hmmm, I guess that came out a little different than I meant it. All of the piercings I or any of my friends have are for personal reasons that we hold as very important. One friend I have gets his ear pierced every time he gets his heart broken, he has a lot of piercings.

I got my piercings done to remind myself I need to stop thinking with the wrong head, as if you've ever had sex with a frenum, getting the condom on is a little more involved and it gives me those couple seconds to stand back and go, is this really what I want, also I have found that I like the look and the sensation it provides as well. Hearing that there was no sane reason for it, other than shock value made me feel like my opinions and feelings didn't matter here, strangely similar to the reaction my post above caused. Everyone's opinion should matter, saying otherwise stepped over the line and I apologize. However, just because you don't understand why someone would do something, don't go around with the assumption that its crazy or just to upset other people.