Originally Posted by skaven
Surely one could simply purchase the parts to build one of these power supplies for far less.
One alternative I was considering was using a couple standard ATX power supplies: one for each amp. The 12V rails on a 350W power supply can put up 16A of current; two 350W supplies could be purchased for around $60. Simply put a load on the 3.3 and 5V rails to keep the regulators happy, and hopefully the supplies could put up enough current to run the amps at a reasonable volume.
Any ideas? comments?
If you were setting up a demo board in a car audio shop, ideally you'd need ~2x the fused value of the amp to adequately supply it under any use condition. Although shops will squeak by with less, seeing 2x paralleled 75A Cascades behind the board is not that uncommon.
Cascade Power Supplies
For example, if the amp is fused @ 30A, your supply should be able of delivering at least 60A. You can get away with less on the amplifier running the main speakers but not for the one running the subwoofer. If the supply does not have enough grunt for the application, it will either shut down & protect itself or blow-up.
For the money you'll spend on buying supplies, hacking it together, manually switching each one on, manually switching each amp on, running wires & distro blocks, etc. you could buy a cheap home theater receiver. Put the gear aside until you are reading to re-install it in your next car, I think you will be happier.