Originally Posted by maleficent
I love that you have that moment captured on film... Now, the twisted part of me also thinks it owuld have been hysterical if she slugged you instead of kissing you... but that's just me...
What a sweet proposal story...
Did the ring fit?
Arrogant as it may seem, I never for a second thought she would say no.
Yes the ring fit perfectly and (lucky for me) she loves it. Many of her friends have made a point of coming up to me to tell me how perfect it is for her. yay me!
I almost forgot the best part...
After we left the cliff we went down the gift shop and bought post cards for our friends and family. We sent them out with just the words "we got engaged here..." and left it at that. That way it was our little secret for the next 2 weeks we were on vacation.