The story the father gave the police doesn't ring true. It sounds a lot like a technique used by adosecents to avoid some of the guilt for their own wrongdoing. They'll try to shift some of the blame onto another person, while still sticking to the basic facts. The idea is that if you admit to some wrongdoing, you seem honest, so you'll be believable when you try to shift blame. It's not an effective technique.
It's truly pathetic that he's trying to shift blame here to the girls. Notice how his story makes it seem as if he's being a good father disciplining his child who maybe goes a bit too far, has to defend himself froma knife attack and things get a little out of hand?
It's too easy to say he's a monster; that way we can distance ourselves from this behavior. His behavior was monstrous, but much of what humans do to each other is. This will never make it to a criminal trial. We'll have a guilty plea and a life sentence.
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert