I like how a few of the posts have said that we should focus on the policies of Dubya rather than the person. I think that's assinine. His past, his character is very important. A lot of his policies are going to be based on his character. His being a "recovered" alcoholic, shows a lack of character. He may no longer drink, but I still wouldhave reservations about putting my child in the car with him. He seems to have replaced alcohol with God. And unfortunatly, that is going to play a huge role in his policies. Was he a failed soldier? I think so. First off, records show that he was not released to go to school. Second of all, records show that he refused to take mandatory drug tests, which to me would constitute refusing a direct order, and third, choosing to join the Air National Gaurd or whatever it was, instead of joining up with the army during war time, shows that he's a coward. Flying to the USS Abraham Lincoln was nothing more than PR to make him look like a triumphant General returning home from war. I think it's sad.
And to the person who, in the seemingly normal knee-jerk response to someone criticizing Bush, invoked mention of the holy blowjob, that is also, in my opinion, inappropriate. His getting a BJ from a fugly may have traumatized Chealsea, but i think the real disturbing thing was the fact that something that was private, not of public record at all. These things mentioned about Bush are public record, they aren't something that he could hide if he wants. And to me, drunk driving is a hell of a lot worse than getting a BJ'er since, last time i checked, getting a BJ didn't kill anyone.
Many politicians, and a lot of other people, cheat on their spouses. Is it right? I don't think so. But if your marriage has gone south, but not ended, i think it's understandable. And while a BJ is understandable, half of what Bush says isn't...
I'm gonna close with a quote, which I got from "They Misunderestimated Me! The very Curious Language of George W. Bush" day calender. For the day of March 6, this quote taken from 10/11/00, during a presidential debate, he said...
"I mean, there needs to be a wholesale effort against racial profiling, which is illiterate children." Huh?