First I want to add this is a situation where again the Right will probably use it for their political gains (i.e. Schiavo) but one case that should just be left alone.
Secondly, I reiterate, poverty begets higher crime, loss of ambitions and desire and becomes more of a social burden than taxes that are used to better education, better help people to live fuller lives (small business loans, Housing loans, etc.).
The problem with the Right is that they have become greedy fucks and while they run deficits it is NOT to help society as a whole. If the GOP didn't run deficits and streamlined government while maintaining some societal programs then I would be a Republican, but they refuse to accept that OUR government HAS A RESPONSIBILITY TO ALL THE PEOPLE AND TO TRY TO GIVE EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD AN OPPURTUNITY FOR GROWTH. This betters society as a whole and is what made America great.
No, throwing money for the sake of throwing money does not help, but neither does the attitude "fuck you why should I pay taxes for someone".
Don't want to pay taxes for people? Then stand up and hold government accountable for their actions and demand better education, more funding to rebuild our infrastructure and stop whining about how if we raise tarriffs to protect jobs that will hurt us.... or if we socialize medical care in some ways that will hurt us..... or if we actually fund education that will hurt us....... BUT we can go deeper in the hole for Congressional pay raises, a homeland security that is a money pit and so far reports show inefficient, support tax cuts for the wealthy while raising the hidden taxes on the poor, give away billions in corporate welfare to companies shipping jobs overseas, and fund a goddamned war while we cut veterans benefits, close their VA hospitals and blame the veterans who put their lives on the line for this country for wanting what was PROMISED THEM AND WHAT THE TRULY DESERVE.
Yeah, let's cut what helps society and pay Haliburton BILLIONS for shit that they never deliver. Let's go deeper in debt and fund truly evil governments that show little respect to human rights or the US with our tax dollars, while we destroy our own educational systems and small businesses because of healthcare costs. Let's ship billions overseas to country's like Isreal, Saudi, Kuwait, Sudan, Chile, Columbia as their leaders rip us. While we put our tried and true friends, the UK, France, Germany, Japan, on hate lists because they don't agree with us on the war.
And in the process blame the poor for not getting better jobs while we continue to destroy their education, cut social programs that can help them achieve goals and better themselves.
Limbaugh talks how the War on Poverty failed...... It didn't, the kids that benefitted helped us rebuild a little in the 80's and partially into the 90's because it took awhile for it to show. Granted, in the process we over compensated but now that we know what worked we can streamline, find abusers faster and cut down the red tape and cost without having to cut the programs.
I am sorry I did not mean to threadjack or rant, but I get so Goddamned tired of hearing the right cry about taxes and destroy what we need as a society, while they are willingly throwing money into things blindly that cost us far more than just tax dollars.
As for this case, the hypocrasy shows from the right and I will demonstrate. No abortion for a girl 13 already in the system means tax monies for her hospitalizations, her child's, then she is still in the system and now her child will be so therefore there's twice the spending in tax dollars. Of course the Right could force her to put the child up for adoption..... ooo there's a real solution let's illegalize abortion but force adoption....... which would still cost tax dollars.
Really in cases like these, the father should be found and forced to pay..... but what if he's a minor.... guess what more tax dollars are spent because where would he get the money????? Throw him in prison????? more tax dollars.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
Last edited by pan6467; 05-03-2005 at 09:28 PM..