Originally Posted by Gilda
Her pet peeve is the number of people who don't seem to realize that Hawaii is part of the United States, and she's a native of the United States just as they are.
Sadly, that's true... I was out with some buddies some months back at a sushi restuarant, and she brought up the subject of guess where she's from? (I lost with Cleveland) One of my buddies, an extremely intelligent (but lacking no common sense) guessed correctly that she was from Hawaii. He then continued, in a lame effort to flirt I think, to ask her about her green card status... My other friend and I exchanged perplexed looks, but being good friends, we allowed him to dig himself a deeper hole. The waitress, being ever so polite as she was working on a tip, asked him ever so politely why she woudl need a green card... Because Hawaii was a state and she was a US Citizen. She handled it so beautifully it was clear that it's not the first time she had ever encountered an imbecile like my friend, I don't think I have ever laughed so hard at what should have been grammar school geography.